Effect of soymilk and fermented soymilk powders on osteoporosis in ovariectomized rats [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: P.585-601Other title:- تأثير مسحوق لبن الصويا ولبن الصويا المتخمر على هشاشة العظام فى اناث فئران التجارب منزوعة المبيض [Added title page title]
- Veterinary medical journal, 2007 v.55 (2) [electronic resource].
Includes reference.
The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of fortified biscuits (manufactured using wheat flour, 72% extraction and fortified with 15% soymilk (SM) or fermented soymilk (FSM) powders) on osteoporosis status of ovariectomized rats. Serum calcium, phosphorus concentrations and alkaline phosphates activity, radiographic evaluation physical properties (length, breaking force and bone density) and bone mineral density were measured as indicators for the efficiency of the tested fortification processes.
Summary in arabic.
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