Influence of protected and unprotected fat supplementation on milk yield and composition in postpartum period of buffaloes [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.7933-7942Other title:- تأثير إضافة الدهن المحمي والدهن الغير المحمي علي إنتاج اللبن وتركيبه في الجاموس بعد الولادة [Added title page title]
- Mansoura University journal of agricultural sciences, 2008 v. 33 (11) [electronic resource].
Includes references.
Thirty lactating buffaloes were divided into three groups (10 animals each), first group; fed on unsupplemented control ration (CG), second group (G2) fed on ration supplemented with (600gm Alpha Mega-fat powder/head/day)and third group (G3) fed on ration supplemented with (600gm soybean oil /head/day).
Summary in Arabic.
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