Changes in body weight, feeding efficiency ratio and some blood parameters in rats fed egg yolk or egg white during malnutrition and refeeding phases [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.165-174Other title:- التغيرات فى وزن الجسم وكفاءة معدل التغذية وبعض مكونات الدم فى الفئران المغذاة على صفار البيض أو بياض البيض خلال مرحلتى سوء التغذية وفترة التدعيم [Added title page title]
- Mansoura University journal of agricultural chemistry and biotechnology, 2011 v.2 (9) [electronic resource].
Includes references.
The present investigation was performed to examine the changes in body weight, feed efficiency ratio (FER), organs development and some blood parameters in albino rats received daily ingestion of lower levels of two food additives: egg yolk (EY) and egg white (EW) at two levels (5% and 10%) for 30 days (malnutrition phase) followed by daily ingestion of balanced levels of 15% EY or EW (refeeding phase) for other 30days.
Summary in Arabic.
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