Estimates of genetic parameters and heterosis in maize (Zea mays l.) under normal and drought conditions [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.63-77Other title:- تقدير المقاييس الوراثية وقوة الهجين فى الذرة الشامية تحت الظروف العادية وظروف الجفاف [Added title page title]
- Mansoura University journal of agricultural chemistry and biotechnology, 2013 v.4 (2) [electronic resource].
Includes references.
The objective of this work was to study the genetic systems controlling quantitative traits of maize using a North Carolina Design II mating design among nine parental lines and their 20 F₁'s under normal and drought stress conditions. Highly significant differences existed among studied genotypes, revealing a large amount of variability among them under both conditions. The significant values of mean square for parents VS. crosses were observed. indicating the importance of heterotic values and non additive genetic variance in the inheritance of these traits under the two conditions. Some lines and their F₁ crosses showed drought susceptibility index "S" values less than one revealing relative drought resistance. The results showed that the magnitudes of non-additive genetic variance (σ²D) were larger than those of additive ones (σ²A) for most studied traits, indicating that the non additive gene action was pronounced in the inheritance of these traits.
Summary in Arabic.
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