Effect of some neurotransmitters on the testes and reproductive hormones in albino rats [electronic resource]
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.227-231Other title:- تأثير بعض الناقلات العصبية على الخصى والهورمونات التناسلية فى الفئران [Added title page title]
- Beni-Suef veterinary medical journal, 2010 v. 20 (1), Special issue [electronic resource]:
Includes references.
The present study bas been carried out to investigate tbe effect of three neurotransmitters (Glutamate, L-Arginine and GADA) on some aspects of the reproductive performance of mature male Albino rats. For this purpose, a total of 100 mature-male Albino rats were used. Rats were divided into 4 comparible groups; the first consists of 10 rats, was left as control The second was administered glutamate 10 mgt kg, the third group·was injected by Lo Arginine 20 mgt kg·wbjle tbe fourth was infected by GADA 1 mg/ rat. The results showed that admiaistratioa of glutamate was concomitant with increase in synthesis and release of pituitary LH causing increase in its serum level as well as decrease serum level of testosterone. On the other hand, proloaged L-Arginine administration led to remarkable elevation in both pituitary aad serum LH and significant decrease of serum testosterone. Wbile, GADA administration led to remarkable decrease in pituitary and serum LH with significant decrease in serum testosterone level.
Summary in Arabic.
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