Influence of different heating methods on fatty acids and amino acids content of herring caviar [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.35-43Other title:- تأثير طرق التسخين المختلفة على محتوى بطارخ الرنجة من الاحماض الدهنية و الاحماض الامينية [Added title page title]
- Journal of biological chemistry and environmental sciences, 2008 v. 3 (3) Part I [electronic resource].
Includes reference.
The influence of four heating methods (microwave, steam, baking, direct heat and control) on the fatty acid composition and amino acid composition of herring caviar was evaluated. The highest total unsaturated fatty acids were found in baked herring caviar while herring caviar heated by microwave was the lowest one in its total unsaturated fatty acids. Amino acids concentration in all treatments was ranged between 230.68 – 246.20 mg/ g. The maximum value of the total amino acid was observed also in baked herring caviar, while the minimum amount was induced by microwave treatment. This study indicate that oven baking is the best treatment for heating herring caviar and give the highest percentage of total unsaturated fatty acid, total amino acid and total essential amino acids. Key words: Herring caviar, fatty acids, amino acids, baking, direct heat, steam and microwave.
Summary in Arabic.
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