Effect of sugar replacement with jerusalem artichoke flour (Helianthus tuberoses) and storage on low sugar biscuit quality [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: P.1105-1118Other title:- تأثير استبدال السكر بدقيق درنات الطرطوفه والتخزين على جودة البسكويت منخفض السكر [Added title page title]
- Minufiya journal of agricultural research, 2009 V. 34 (3) [electronic resource].
Includes reference.
The effect of sugar replacement with different levels(25, 50, 75 and100%) of Jerusalem artichoke flour as well as storing of the produced low sugar biscuits on proximate composition, mineral content, organoleptic properties and microbiological contents were evaluated. The results obtained showed that substitution of sugar with Jerusalem artichoke flour significantly (p≤O.OS) increased ash and fiber contents of low sugar biscuits. However, minerals content progressively increased by increasing the levels of Jerusalem artichoke flour (JAF) from 25% to 100%. The increment of K, Ca, Mg and Fe were more obviously noticed when compared with control. Total count, mold and yeast decreased by increasing the levels of JAF. Meanwhile. coliform group was not detected in all treatments. The moisture content was decreased significantly(p≤O.OS) with storage for 6 months at room temperature. Protein, fat, fiber, ash, carbohydrate, reducing sugar and non reducing sugar were not affected significantly (p >0.05) after storage. Total count, mold and yeast significantly (p≤.05) increased by increasing the storage period at room temperature.
Summary in arabic.
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