Highways as a sources of pollution with heavy metals and its effect on advacent soil and plants in nile delta of Egypt [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.715-724Other title:- الطرق السريعة كمصدر للتلوث بالعناصر الثقيلة وأثر ذلك علي الأرض والنباتات المتاخمة بدلتا النيل بمصر [Added title page title]
- Journal of agricultural research Tanta University, 2005 v.31 (4A) [electronic resource].
Includes references.
Two sites located in Nile Delta were selected to study the effect of traffic intensity (exhaust gases) on levels of some heavy metals such as Cd,Ni, Co and Pb in soil as well as plant parts. The first area tested at Tanta (Alex. - Cairo highway) and the second, in Meet Khalaf (Shibin EI-Kom-Cairo road). Surface (0-15 em) and subsurface (I5-30 cm) soil samples were collected at the distances of 50,250, 500 and 1000 m away from traffic line during spring 2003. Results showed that total and available Cd, Ni, Co and Pb contents ( mg/kg) in the surface and subsurface soil samples decreased along the distance away from the highways, particularly in the surface samples. Total concentrations of heavy metals were arranged in the following order: Pb (150.70- 22.88) Co (50.40 - 10.50) > Ni (50.479.15 » Cd (5.68 - 1.20) mg / kg. But the available forms ofheavy metals were arranged in the following order: Pb (15.25 - I .25) > Ni (0.750.20 » Co (0.35 - 0.07) > Cd (0.05 -0.01) mglkg. Content of total and available Cd, Ni and Co were lower than that the permissible limits in studied locations. While the content oftotal and available Pb were more than that the permissible level. Both heavy metals contents and bioconcentration ratio (BCR) varied widely according to distance from pollution source, plant species and plant part of the ordinary Egyptian growers. The contents of Cd, Co, Pb and Ni in the collected plants were decreased with increasing the distance from highways for the same plant species. The content of Cd,Co and Pb in plants under study in Tanta site {intensive traffic} was higher than that in Meet Khalaf site whereas this trend was adverse for Ni. Lead, Cd, Co and Ni in the shoots of cotton was higher than that in their roots, whereas this trend was conlrast for com. Therefore edible plants should be cultivated for away from the traffic way.
Summary in Arabic.
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