Effect of some factors influencing acclimatization of schefflera arboricola Pov [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.2827-2847Other title:- تأثير بعض العوامل المؤثرة على أقلمة نباتات الشفليراschefflera arboricola Pov [Added title page title]
- Mansoura University journal of agricultural sciences, 2007 v. 32 (4) [electronic resource].
Includes reference.
This research was carried out during two successive seasons of 1998 and 1999 at the Experimental Station of the Veget. and Floric. Dept., Faculty of Agriculture. Mansoura University on Scheff/era arborico/a plants for maintenance their quality during the indoor environment period. The research included 4 methods for acclimatization as follows: 1- Non-acclimatized plants /control plants): plants were transferred to plastichouse for 3 months (from March 1st to May 30th ) and after this period plants were moved directly to the interior environment room for 4 months (from June 1st to September 301 st). 2- Acclimatization method No.': plants were transferred to lathhouse for 3 months (from March 1st to May 30th ). then moved to interior environment room for 4 months (from June 1st to September 30th ). 3- Acclimatization method No.2: plants were transferred to shading place for 45 days (from March 1st to April 15th). After this period, plants were moved to lathhouse for 45 days (from April 15th to May 301h ) and then they were transferred to interior environment room for 4 months (from June 1" to September 30th ) and acclimatization method NO.3: plants were transferred to lathhouse for 45 days (from March 1" to April 151h ), and then moved to shading place for another 45 days (from April 15th to May 301 "). After this period, plants were transferred to the interior environment room for 4 months (from June 1" to September 30th ). Each of these methods were treated with four treatments of fertilization with N, P and Kat 242N-81P-161g K,O/m2/year and spraying with anaphthalene acetic acid (NAA) at 200 ppm solely or in combination with NPK. Data was recorded for vegetative growth characteristics as well as leaf chlorophyll content, total soluble sugars content and leaves mineral contents. The obtained results indicated that the highest number of new leaves formation was obtained from non-acclimatized plants when were treated with NPK comparing with the other treatments, during the acclimatization period. However, the non-acclimatized plants had no leaves abscission when treated with all chemical treatments during the acclimatization period in both seasons. The hig-hest total number of leaves was obtained from plants acclimatized by method NO.2 and fertilized with NPK at the end of interior holding period. The highest increases in plant height were achieved from non-acclimatized plants when fertilized with NPK comparing with the other treatments during the acclimatization and interior holding periods. The tallest final plants were detected in non- acclimatized plants when treated with NPK during the acclimatization period while, the shortest plants were obtained from plants treated with acclimatization method No.2 and without chemical treatments in both seasons. The largest stem thickness and tallest terminal three internodes were observed from non-acclimatized plants and without chemical treatments comparing with other treatments in both seasons. While, the longest leaves petiole and highest value of leaves area were recorded in plants acclimatized by method NO.2 and fertilized with NPK comparing with other treatments in both seasons and in the first season, respectively,
Summary in Arabic.
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