Influence of different artificial diets on longevity of worker honey bees (Apis Mellifera l.) [electronic resource].
Language: English, ra Description: p.459-464Other title:- تأثير التغذية الصناعية المختلفة على طول عمر شغالات نحل العسل [Added title page title]
- Mansoura university journal of agricultural sciences, 2009 v. 34 (1) [electronic resource].
Includes references.
The present work was carried out to study the longevity of adult bees product from colonies feed with different diets. 65 newly emerged honey bees were caged for each genotype the number of dead bees was recorded daily and the mean life spane for each genotype was estimated. It was found that the longevity of adult bees produced from colonies provided with different diets, (A.B.C.O.) and control were 20.3, 18.8, 18.8, 21.6. and 20.5 days respectively. The obtained results showed that were a significant differences among different adult bees produced from different colonies feed different diets owing to these result, it is seen the adult bees produced from diet 0 (Maize and Pollen) was longer lived than adult bees produced from A.B, and C diets.
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