Integration and expression of the high-molecular-weight glutenin subunit Dy10 gene into Egyptian wheat [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.49-56Other title:- انتاج نباتات قمح محورة التركيب الوراثى بجين Dy10ذى الوزن الجزيئ العالى ودراسة التعبير الجينى لجين التحور [Added title page title]
- Arab journal of biotechnology, 2007 v. 10 (1) [electronic resource]:
Includes references.
To investigate the possibility of manipulating gluten dough strength and elasticity by increasing the high molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GS), bread wheat cv. Giza 164 was transformed with HMW-Dy10 subunit gene. Immature embryo-derived calli were co-transformed with a plasmid (pK-Dy10) harboring HMW-gene (Dy10) driven by its own promoter and pACH25 plasmid containing the scorable gus gene and the selectable bar gene. Integration of the three transgenes had been confirmed in the genome of transgenic T0 plants by PCR analysis. Expression of gus gene was detected in transformed plants by histochemical staining and the expression of bar gene was detected using leaf painting assay. Grains of transgenic and non-transgenic (control) wheat plants were analyzed to estimate the level of glutenin protein using HPLC and it revealed higher levels of glutenin in transgenic grains comparing with control.
Summary in Arabic.
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