Evaluating the role of sex pheromone in monitoring and controlling tomato leaf miner, Tuta absoluta (Meyrick), under the Egyptian North Western Coast conditions [electronic resource].
Description: p.169-174Uniform titles:- Egyptian journal of biological pest control, 2013 v. 23 (1) [electronic resource].
Includes references.
The status of tomato leaf-miner, Tuta absoluta (Meyrick), at Matrouh Governorate, Egypt was investigated under the greenhouse conditions during 2010 season as the first documented data concerning the crossing of this pest into the Egyptian borders coming from Libya. In both EI-Kasr region and Siwa Oasis, the periodical monitoring of T. absoluta male moths on both tomato and eggplant were carried out using the sex pheromone lurc baited traps. Also, the influence of male collection technique and one tracer spraying on declining the larval infestation were evaluated. Data declared that, tomato was the most preferable host for T absoluta than other solanaceous crops, the in-time hanging of sex pheromone baited traps inside the tomato or eggplant greenhouse besides tracer spraying when necessary were the factors that ensured the achievement of less larval infestation.
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