Effect of irrigation intervals and fertilization systems on soybean seed yield and its quality [electronic resource].

By: Contributor(s): Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.1109- 1118Other title:
  • تأثير فترات الري ونظم التسميد على محصول فول الصويا وجودته [Added title page title]
Uniform titles:
  • Mansoura University journal of plant production, 2013 v. 4 (7) [electronic resource].
Subject(s): Online resources: In: Mansoura University Journal of plant production 2013.v.4(7)Summary: An field experiment was conducted during 2011 and 2012 growing seasons at Agric. Exp. Res. Stat., Fac. Agric., Cairo Univ., Giza, Egypt in clay loamy soil to study the effect of three irrigation intervals (12, 18 and 24 days) as well as soil and foliar fertilization treatments. The fertilizer treatment are 1- The recommended fertilizer dose:31 kg P+ 48 Kg K and 20 Kg N//fed as soil application(100% S), 2- Addition of 22.5 P+36 Kg K and15 Kg N/fed as soil application+ 2 kg P+ 2 kg K and 2 kg N/fed as foliar application in two equal doses at flowering and pods filling stages (75% S+F2) on productivity of soybean and 3- Addition of 15.5 Kg P+ 24 Kg K and 10 Kg N/fed as soil application + 4kg P+ 4kg K and 4kg N/fed as foliar application in two equal doses at flowering and pods filling stages (5O%S+F1). The obtained results showed that the highest values of plant height, number of branches, number of pods and seed yield/plant, 100 seeds weight, oil content and seed yield per feddan were obtained with irrigation every12 days compared with irrigation every 18 or 24 days. Concerning fertilization treatments effect, the highest values of plant height, number of branches, number of pods, seed yield/plant, oil content as well as seed yield/fed were obtained with fertilization (75% of the recommended dose as soil application + 2 kg/feddan of P, K, and N as foliar application in two equal doses at flowering and pods filling stages as compared with the other two levels (100% S, 50% S +F1). It could be recommended to irrigate soybean every 12 days with application of 22.5 P+36 Kg K and15 Kg N/fed as soil application+ 2 kg P+ 2 kg K ard 2 kg N/fed as foliar application in two equal doses at flowering and pods filling stages (75% S+F2).
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An field experiment was conducted during 2011 and 2012 growing seasons at Agric. Exp. Res. Stat., Fac. Agric., Cairo Univ., Giza, Egypt in clay loamy soil to study the effect of three irrigation intervals (12, 18 and 24 days) as well as soil and foliar fertilization treatments. The fertilizer treatment are 1- The recommended fertilizer dose:31 kg P+ 48 Kg K and 20 Kg N//fed as soil application(100% S), 2- Addition of 22.5 P+36 Kg K and15 Kg N/fed as soil application+ 2 kg P+ 2 kg K and 2 kg N/fed as foliar application in two equal doses at flowering and pods filling stages (75% S+F2) on productivity of soybean and 3- Addition of 15.5 Kg P+ 24 Kg K and 10 Kg N/fed as soil application + 4kg P+ 4kg K and 4kg N/fed as foliar application in two equal doses at flowering and pods filling stages (5O%S+F1). The obtained results showed that the highest values of plant height, number of branches, number of pods and seed yield/plant, 100 seeds weight, oil content and seed yield per feddan were obtained with irrigation every12 days compared with irrigation every 18 or 24 days. Concerning fertilization treatments effect, the highest values of plant height, number of branches, number of pods, seed yield/plant, oil content as well as seed yield/fed were obtained with fertilization (75% of the recommended dose as soil application + 2 kg/feddan of P, K, and N as foliar application in two equal doses at flowering and pods filling stages as compared with the other two levels (100% S, 50% S +F1). It could be recommended to irrigate soybean every 12 days with application of 22.5 P+36 Kg K and15 Kg N/fed as soil application+ 2 kg P+ 2 kg K ard 2 kg N/fed as foliar application in two equal doses at flowering and pods filling stages (75% S+F2).

Summary in Arabic.


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