Effects of ethylene applications on the physiological response, growth and yield components of cotton [electronic resource].

By: Contributor(s): Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.1663-1671Other title:
  • تأثير إضافة الأثيلين على الأستجابة الفسيولوجية والنمو ومكونات المحصول فى القطن [Added title page title]
Uniform titles:
  • Mansoura University Journal of plant production, 2013 v. 4 (11) [electronic resource].
Subject(s): Online resources: In: Mansoura University Journal of plant production 2013.v.4(11)Summary: Two field experiments were carried out at Sids Agricultural Research Station, Beni-Suef Governorate Middle Egypt, during 2012 and 2013 seasons to study the effect of applications ethyleneon growth, yield components, fiber properties and chemical constituents of the Egyptian cotton hybrid [G83 (G75 X G5844)] X G80 ( Gossypiumbarbadense L,). Cotton plants were treated with ethylene at start or at maximum of flowering. The experimental design was a randomized complete blocks with four replications. Results obtained could be summarized as follows: • The application of ethylene 20 ppm. at peak of floweringincreased significantly, no. of open bolls/plant, boll weight, seed cotton yield/fed., earliness% and lint% in two seasons. • When ethylene applied at both stages, no. fruiting branches/plant and seed indexwere insignificantly affected. • On the other hand, spraying cotton plants with ethylene at 20 ppm at peak of floweringtended to increase micronaire reading while fiber strength was not affected in both seasons.
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Two field experiments were carried out at Sids Agricultural Research Station, Beni-Suef Governorate Middle Egypt, during 2012 and 2013 seasons to study the effect of applications ethyleneon growth, yield components, fiber properties and chemical constituents of the Egyptian cotton hybrid [G83 (G75 X G5844)] X G80 ( Gossypiumbarbadense L,). Cotton plants were treated with ethylene at start or at maximum of flowering. The experimental design was a randomized complete blocks with four replications. Results obtained could be summarized as follows: • The application of ethylene 20 ppm. at peak of floweringincreased significantly, no. of open bolls/plant, boll weight, seed cotton yield/fed., earliness% and lint% in two seasons. • When ethylene applied at both stages, no. fruiting branches/plant and seed indexwere insignificantly affected. • On the other hand, spraying cotton plants with ethylene at 20 ppm at peak of floweringtended to increase micronaire reading while fiber strength was not affected in both seasons.

Summary in Arabic.


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