Use of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)-polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis to fingerprint some Rhizobium Leguminosarum Biovar Viceae isolates [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.139-158Other title:- استخدام تكنيك DNA (RAPD فى عمل بصمة وراثية لبعض عزلات من الريزوبيا ليجيومنزارم بيوفار فياسى [Added title page title]
- Arab universities journal of agricultural sciences, 2003 v. 11 (1) [electronic resource].
Includes references.
A trial was performed to use the molecular markers to differentiate between ten isolates of Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viceae varied in their abilities to phage susceptibility (one isolate sensitive to lytic phage, four isolates sensitive to temperate phage, four isolates lysogenic and one isolate resistant to phage). The nucleic acids of these isolates were extracted, purified and separately used as templates for PCR analysis using ten short oligonucleotides (OP-A01, OP-A05, OP-A16, OPA18, OP-B02, OP-B03, OP-B04, OP-B06, OP-B08 and OP-B10) of arbitrary nucleotide sequences. The amplified DNA polymorphisms were electrophoresed on 1.2% agarose gel in TAE buffer. The molecular relationship between the ten applied isolates was determined. Results of random amplified polymorphic of DNA (RAPD)- polymerase chain reaction (PCR) showed that, polymorphic (not common for all isolates) as well as monomorphic (common for all isolates) fragments were obtained for each isolate.
Summary in Arabic.
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