Studies on the recent methods of diagnosis of clinical and sub clinical fascioliasis in sheep [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.172-193Other title:- دراسات عن الطرق الحديثة لتشخيص الحالات الإكلينيكية والتحت إكلينيكية للإصابة بالديدان الكبدية فى الأغنام [Added title page title]
- Assiut veterinary medical journal, 2003 v. 49 (98) [electronic resource].
Includes references.
Parasitological diagnosis of fascioliasis and the detection of Fasciola egg in feces alone is generally inadequate. This study aimed to use the enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in the diagnosis and early detection of fascioliasis in sheep, also comparing results of ELISA test and that of parasitological examination of feces for the detection of Fasciola egg and studying the clinical signs and the biochemical changes associated with sheep fascioliasis. 145 Egyptian Balady sheep of both sexes, 3-7 years old were investigated in this study. Clinical and laboratory investigation proved that 39 animals of the examined cases were clinically healthy, showing sings of soundness, good body condition score and free from any internal or external parasites.
Summary in Arabic.
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