Performance of small - sized center- pivot sprinklers in new lands [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.340-350Other title:- أداء أجهزة ري بالرش محورية صغيرة فى الاراضي الجديدة [Added title page title]
- Misr journal of agricultural engineering, 2002 v.19 (2) [electronic resource].
Includes references.
This investigation dealt with small center-pivot sprinkler "CPS" (90m boom, 50-100 m3/h, and 9.7 fed coverage) in new lands. The "coefficient of uniformity" and "distribution uniformity" were 83 and 72 % respectively for the low-discharge CPS (50 m3/h), which are less (by 13-18 %) than reported in other literature. Values were even less with the high-discharge CPS (100 m3/h). More attention should be paid, in future work, to lower-discharge CPS systems with improved uniformity. Kev Words : Center-pivot sprinkler sprinkling, sprinkler irrigation, sprinkler system emission uniformity (EU), Coefficient uniformity (CU).
Summary in Arabic.
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