Effect of different drying methods on the physical properties and quality of some fruit peels [electronic resource]

By: Contributor(s): Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p. 507-526Other title:
  • تأثير طرق التجفيف المختلفة علي الخواص الفيزيائية والجودة لبعض قشور الثمار [Added title page title]
Uniform titles:
  • Misr Journal of Agricultural Engineering, 2016 v.33 (2) [electronic resource]
Subject(s): Online resources: In: Misr Journal of Agricultural Engineering 2016.v.33(2)Summary: Fruit peel represents approximately 30-•40 g/100g of the fresh fruit mass and could be used to develop value-added products rather than causing Pollution of the environment. fruit peels of orange, lemon. pomegranate and grapefruit were dried using two different drying methods (oven and microwave) under different fruit peels masses of50, 100, 150 and 200g in order to study the drying behavior in terms of specific energy. drying efficiency and product quality. Mathematical models of the oven and microwave dryers were investigated based on the experimental data in order to predict their performance. The obtained data revealed that the use of a microwave was accompanied with higher drying rates of fruit peels, higher drying efficiency and lower specific energy compared with electric oven. The best product quality was achieved in the case of using fruit peels of 50g in the microwave and 200g in the oven comparing with other peels masses. In oven, Newton and Henderson and Pabis models showed good agreement with orange and lemon, while Page and Modified Page (I) were the best descriptive models for pomegranate peels. Regard to the drying in microwave, Page and Modified Page (I) models showed good agreement with all fruit peels (orange. lemon, pomegranate and grapefruit).
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Fruit peel represents approximately 30-•40 g/100g of the fresh fruit mass
and could be used to develop value-added products rather than causing
Pollution of the environment. fruit peels of orange, lemon. pomegranate
and grapefruit were dried using two different drying methods (oven and
microwave) under different fruit peels masses of50, 100, 150 and 200g in
order to study the drying behavior in terms of specific energy. drying
efficiency and product quality. Mathematical models of the oven and
microwave dryers were investigated based on the experimental data in
order to predict their performance. The obtained data revealed that the
use of a microwave was accompanied with higher drying rates of fruit
peels, higher drying efficiency and lower specific energy compared with
electric oven. The best product quality was achieved in the case of using
fruit peels of 50g in the microwave and 200g in the oven comparing with other peels masses. In oven, Newton and Henderson and Pabis models showed good agreement with orange and lemon, while Page and Modified Page (I) were the best descriptive models for pomegranate peels. Regard to the drying in microwave, Page and Modified Page (I) models showed good agreement with all fruit peels (orange. lemon, pomegranate and grapefruit).

Summary in Arabic

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