Your search returned 11 results.

Compartive studies on the chemical and biological values of some legume seeds [microform]/ Hemmat Ibrahim Maatuk Hussein. by
Publication details: 1989
Dissertation note: Thesis (Ph.D.) --Cairo University, 1989.
Other title:
  • دراسة مقارنة عن القيمة الكيميائية والبيولوجية لبعض محاصيل البقول الغذائية.
Availability: Items available for loan: Main (1)Call number: THESIS S-6343.

Selection indices in lentil breeding programmes [microform] / El-Sayed Mohamed Abd-Alla. by
Publication details: 1994
Dissertation note: Thesis (M.S.) -- Ain Shams University, 1994.
Other title:
  • معايير الانتخاب فى برامج تربية العدس.
Availability: Items available for loan: Main (1)Call number: THESIS S-6171.

Response to selection for yield and its components in lentil (Lens culinaris Medk.) [computer file]/ Mahmoud Abd El-Hamid El-Noby Raslan. by Language: English Summary language: Arabic
Publication details: 2006
Dissertation note: Thesis (Ph.D.)--Assiut University,2006.
Other title:
  • الاستجابة للإنتخاب للمحصول ومكوناته فى العدس.
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for loan: Main (1)Call number: CD-174.

Evaluation of some lentil genotypes under high temperatut [Computer file]/ Tarek Abd El-Hamid Abd El-Hamid. by Language: English Summary language: Arabic
Publication details: 2007
Dissertation note: Thesis (Ph.D.)--Al-Azhar University,2007
Other title:
  • تقييم بعض التراكيب الوراثية للعدس تحت ظروف الحرارة العالية .
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for loan: Main (1)Call number: CD-208.

Morphologicla and molecular identification for ten lentil genotypes [electronic resource]. by Language: English Summary language: Arabic
Other title:
  • لالتوصيف المورفولوجي والجزيئي لعشرة اصول وراثية من العدس.
In: Egyptian Journal of Plant Breeding 2009.v.13
Online resources:
Availability: No items available.

Evaluation of some local and exotic lentil germplasm for yield, yield components and seed quality traits [electronic resource]. by Language: English Summary language: Arabic
Other title:
  • تقييم بعض التراكيب الوراثية المحلية والمستوردة من العدس للمحصول ومكوناتة وصفات جودة البذور.
In: Egyptian Journal of Plant Breeding 2010.v.14(2)
Online resources:
Availability: No items available.

Effect of supplemental irrigation and intercropping treatments on the productivity of fig trees and lentil crop in the north west coast [electronic resource]. by Language: English Summary language: Arabic
Other title:
  • تأثير معاملات الري التكميلي والتحميل علي انتاجية أشجار التين ومحصول العدس بالساحل الشمالي الغربي.
In: Misr Journal of Agricultural Engineering 2007.v.24(1)
Online resources:
Availability: No items available.

Evaluation of some lentil genotypes for earliness, yield, yield components and seed quality [electronic resource]. by Language: English Summary language: Arabic
Other title:
  • تقييم بعض التراكيب الوراثية للعددس للتبكير فى النضج والمحصول ومكوناته وصفات جودة البذور.
In: Egyptian Journal of Agricultural Research 2005.v.83(1)
Online resources:
Availability: No items available.

Effect of plant density on the performance of three new released lentil varieties [electronic resource]. by Language: English Summary language: Arabic
Other title:
  • تأثير الكثافة النباتية على أداء ثلاث أصناف جديدة من العدس.
In: Egyptian Journal of Agricultural Research 2005.v.83(1)
Online resources:
Availability: No items available.

Biometrical approaches for determining stability of some Egyptian lentil cultivars [electronic resource]. by Language: English Summary language: Arabic
Other title:
  • طرق بيومترية لتقدير ثبات اداء بعض اصناف العدس المصرية.
In: Egyptian Journal of Plant Breeding 2011.v.15(4)
Online resources:
Availability: No items available.

Genetic variability, heritability and expected genetic advance for earliness and seed yield from selection in lentil [electronic resource]. by Language: English Summary language: Arabic
Other title:
  • التباين الوراثى ونسبة التوريث والتقدم الوراثى المتوقع من الإنتخاب لصفات التبكير والمحصول فى العدس.
In: Egyptian Journal of Agricultural Research 2003.v.81(1)
Online resources:
Availability: No items available.


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