Multiplex PCR and latex agglutination for identification and characterization of toxigenic clostridium difficult from raw milk [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.49-53Other title:- تفاعل البلمرة المتسلسل المتعدد واختبار التجلط للتعرف على وتمييز الكلوستريديام ديفيسيل فى اللبن الخام [Added title page title]
- Assiut veterinary medical journal, 2014 v. 60 (143) [electronic resource].
Includes references.
Community-acquired C.Diff infections have recently been increasing in incidence and severity. Several studies have isolated C. Diff spores from livestock and food suggesting that food may play a role in transmission. The overall goals of this research were to: 1) determine prevalence of C. Diff from raw milk using selective (cycloserine-cefoxitin fructose agar [CCFA]; 2) determine toxigenic profiles of C.Diff. isolated using PCR targeting tpi and tcdB genes. A total of 50 random samples of raw marketable milk were collected from different localities in Assuit city, Egypt. The obtained results indicated that about 11 (22%) out of 50 examined raw milk samples were positive for C.Diff using conventional method. While, 2 strains of C.Diff. (18.2%) out of the positive 11 strains could be detected using the latex agglutination test. Keywords: Clostridium Difficile, Raw milk, latex agglutination, toxigenic, PCR.
Summary in Arabic.
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