Effect of adding maltodextrin and malt enzymes extract on low fat ras cheese quality [electronic resource].

By: Contributor(s): Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.65-70Other title:
  • تأثير إضافة المالتودكسترين ومستخلص أنزيمات المولت على جودة الجبن الراس منخفضة الدهن [Added title page title]
Uniform titles:
  • Agricultural research journal, Suez Canal University, 2004 v.3(1) [electronic resource].
Subject(s): Online resources: In: Agricultural Research Journal, Suez Canal University 2004 v.3(1)Summary: Low fat Ras cheese shows a reduced maturation, which has been attributed to the low fat content. Therefore. in the present research, attention was focused on evaluating the effect of adding maltodextrin at ratios of 29(, and 3% or malt enzymes extract at ratios of 0.075% and 0.1% on the ripening and quality of low fat Ras cheese. The result..'1nt Ras cheese treatments were analyzed for moisture, fat, protein, pH value, salt, soluble nitrogen (SN), free amino acids (FAA) and total volatile fatty acids (TVFA) contents, as well as firmness and elasticity values when rrcsh and after 30, 60,90 and 120 days of ripening. Organoleptic properties were examined after 30. 60,90 and 120 days or ripening. Data were subjected to the statistical analysis to eva1.uate significance of the obtained results.
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Low fat Ras cheese shows a reduced maturation, which has been attributed to the low fat content. Therefore. in the present research, attention was focused on evaluating the effect of adding maltodextrin at ratios of 29(, and 3% or malt enzymes extract at ratios of 0.075% and 0.1% on the ripening and quality of low fat Ras cheese. The result..'1nt Ras cheese treatments were analyzed for moisture, fat, protein, pH value, salt, soluble nitrogen (SN), free amino acids (FAA) and total volatile fatty acids (TVFA) contents, as well as firmness and elasticity values when rrcsh and after 30, 60,90 and 120 days of ripening. Organoleptic properties were examined after 30. 60,90 and 120 days or ripening. Data were subjected to the statistical analysis to eva1.uate significance of the obtained results.

Summary in Arabic.


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