Tissue culture and evaluation of some active constituents of Ruta graveolens L. [electronic resource]: I- Effect of plant growth regulators and explant type on growth of Ruta graveolens L. callus cultures

By: Contributor(s): Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.257-270Other title:
  • زراعة الأنسجة وتقييم المواد الفعالة لنبات السذب(روتا جرافيولنس ل.) : الجزء الأول تأثير منظمات النمو والأجزاء النباتية على نمو الكالوس لنبات السذب [Added title page title]
Uniform titles:
  • Arab journal of biotechnology, 2001 v. 4 (2) [electronic resource]:
Subject(s): Online resources: In: Arab Journal of Biotechnology 2001.v.4(2)Summary: The effect of plant growth regulators and explant type on growth of Ruta graveolens L. callus cultures was studied. The explants used were stem, leaf, shoot tip and root. The most successful concentrations of plant growth regulators on four MS basal solid media were I (MS+ 1 mg/l 2,4-D), II (MS+1mg/12,4-D+ 1mg/l kinetin), III (MS+0.5mg/l 2,4-D+ 0.5 mg/l kinetin) and IV (MS+lmg/l 2,4-D+ 5mg/l kinetin). The highest survival values in callus formation were those of stem and root cultures on medium III. Also, leaf and shoot tip cultures on medium II showed higher survival percent age amongst their cultures. The morphological characters of callus cultures were described. The effect of plant growth regulators and explant type on growth dynamics of callus (fresh weight, dry weight, callus index and callus vigor) was studied. Stem cultures on media I II, shoot tip on media II, III and IV, root cultures on media II and IV produced significant increase in the previous values, while leaf cultures on medium III produced significantly increased fresh weight and callus index values although dry weight and callus vigor values showed insignificant differences between different leaf cultures.
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The effect of plant growth regulators and explant type on growth of Ruta graveolens L. callus cultures was studied. The explants used were stem, leaf, shoot tip and root. The most successful concentrations of plant growth regulators on four MS basal solid media were I (MS+ 1 mg/l 2,4-D), II (MS+1mg/12,4-D+ 1mg/l kinetin), III (MS+0.5mg/l 2,4-D+ 0.5 mg/l kinetin) and IV (MS+lmg/l 2,4-D+ 5mg/l kinetin). The highest survival values in callus formation were those of stem and root cultures on medium III. Also, leaf and shoot tip cultures on medium II showed higher survival percent age amongst their cultures. The morphological characters of callus cultures were described. The effect of plant growth regulators and explant type on growth dynamics of callus (fresh weight, dry weight, callus index and callus vigor) was studied. Stem cultures on media I II, shoot tip on media II, III and IV, root cultures on media II and IV produced significant increase in the previous values, while leaf cultures on medium III produced significantly increased fresh weight and callus index values although dry weight and callus vigor values showed insignificant differences between different leaf cultures.

Summary in Arabic.


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