Your search returned 5 results.

Effects of dietary hatchery wastes on some productive and physiological characteristics of broiler chicks [electronic resouce]. by Language: English Summary language: Arabic
Other title:
  • تأثير أضافة مخلفات المفقسات على الأداء وبعض الخصائص الفسيولوجية لدجاج اللحم.‪‪
In: Egyptian Poultry Science Journal 2011.v.31(I)
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Availability: No items available.

Effects of dietary black cumin growth seeds (Nigella sativa l.) or its extract on performance and total coliform bacteria count on broiler chicks [electronic resouce]. by Language: English Summary language: Arabic
Other title:
  • تأثير استخدام بذور حبة البركة ومستخلصها فى الغذاء على أداء النمو والعدد الكلى للبكتريا النافعة لكتاكيت بدارى اللحم.‪‪
In: Egyptian Poultry Science Journal 2011.v.31(I)
Online resources:
Availability: No items available.

Some physiological changes related to fenugreek seeds supplementanon to broiler chick's diet [electronic resource]. by Language: English Summary language: Arabic
Other title:
  • بعض التغيرات الفسيولوجية المصاحبة لاضافة بذور الحلبة لعليقة بدارى التسمين.
In: Egyptian Journal of Nutrition and Feeds 2012.v15(1)
Online resources:
Availability: No items available.

Response of Japanese quails (coturnix japonica) to dietary supplementation of different levels of mannan oligosaccharide as a growth promoter [electronic resource]. by Language: English Summary language: Arabic
Other title:
  • استجابة السمان الياباني النامي لإضافة مستويات مختلفة من (mannan oligosaccharide(MOS كمحفز نمو.
In: Egyptian Journal of Nutrition and Feeds 2012.v15(1)
Online resources:
Availability: No items available.

Application of zinc oxide nanoparticles on productive performance in rabbit nutrition [electronic resource]: by Language: English Summary language: Arabic In: SVU-International Journal of Agricultural Science 2020.v.2(2)
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for loan: Main (1)Call number: ART SVUIJAS V2 NO2 19.


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